Pickle Rick | TryHackMe Walkthrough | CTF

Pickle Rick | TryHackMe Walkthrough | CTF

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Welcome back to yet another blog on walkthrough of tryhackme . If you are learning cyber security , I would recommend you to practice CTF(Capture the flag) . The most easiest room for CTF on tryhackme is Pickle Rick . So without wasting your time , let's do this .

Task 1

First of all , Deploy your machine and start the attack box . As you can see the first question , we need to find the first ingredient Rick needs. So whenever I am doing any CTF , the first thing I do is to find some hints on the source code . So when I copy paste the IP Address on my firefox , I got this type of website

image.png Press ctrl+ U and see the source code


See I told you , you will surely get some hint by looking at source code . In this , I got the username . Remember this , Ok ! . Next I need to find the password . But before this , let's try to find some hidden directories of this IP Address . We will use gobuster for this work .


In gobuster flag u is used for giving url , x is used to give file extensions we are searching for and flag w is used for giving wordlist . So we got some directories . I will try to use robots.txt


Wait a minute ! Is this a password ? YEAH , We found the password but where are we going to enter this username and password . Let's use the another directories we found with the gobuster . So portal.php is looking sus for me . Let's try this .


Yuhu ! We found this . Enter your username and password in this .


So we need to use linux command here . Start with ls command . We got some file . Let's try to see the content of Sup3rS3cretPickl3Ingred.txt. I used cat command here but it is disabled. Same way I used nano command also but it is also disabled. This time I will use less command . Finger crossed... . Yess!! We found the answer . I am not giving you the answer . Do it yourself .

Our First task is completed .

Task 2

Let's move to second task . In this we need to find the second ingredient. I am reading clue.txt .


So we need to look in the file system. Enter ls /home . So we got two user rick and ubuntu . Let's see rick's directory . Enter ls /home/rick . Yehhh!! We found the file second ingredients. Enter the command less '/home/rick/second ingredients'

Our second task is also completed.

Task 3

Now we need to find the last ingredient. When I enter the command ls -la , I found two directories which requires root user . So let's turn into root user first . Enter the command sudo -l


Now try to find the third file in root directory . Enter sudo ls /root. WOW!! You found it . 3rd.txt . Try to read the file same as we read the file in second task . Less sudo ls /root/3rd.txt. I hope you found your answer .

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-19 at 20.00.47.jpg

Our third task is also completed .

Congratulations !! You completed this room . I know at some point you must have felt it a little harder but trust me , you will solve many ctfs more harder than this .

Keep learning and keep spreading Knowledge .

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