Advent Of Cyber 2022 | Day 10 | TryHackMe

Advent Of Cyber 2022 | Day 10 | TryHackMe

Welcome back to yet another task guys. I must say, tryhackme is increasing the level of difficulty day by day. So, without any further delay, Let's move to today's task.

You're a mean one, Mr. Yeti

In this task, we need to hack the game. First of all, move to the task. You can see a file named Save Elf McSkidy. Open the file.

Game Icon in Machine

Go to more tools, then developer tools.

Developer Tools

Click on the three left arrows, and then on cetus. It will help us to hack the game. Also, on the search tab, paste https://MACHINE_IP/. It will show a warning msg.

Click on Advanced and then proceed to website.

You can see the game has started.

Finding Cetus

Cetus Interface

Now, we need to go to the bridge. But the guard won't let you do it. Let's ask the guard. For this, Go towards the guard and press the space bar. You need to guess a number for this. But don't you think it is very hard? Don't worry, we are hackers. First, Guess any random number. I am guessing this number. It's completely random.

Now comes the use of cetus tool . On the search tab, enter the number which the guard have guessed. Comparison operator will be EQ(equal). Value type i32. Yes. And now click on search.

Got some results. Now click on the bookmark icon. Go to the bookmarks tab and copy the value. Paste the value in this site:

Enter the value in hexadecimal and click enter.

This was the same number which guard told us. Did you get any hint now? No, Don't worry. Before going to guard again, focus on the value which we entered in the above site. It was 0x029c77d7. Move towards guard now. Enter space and now whole the process will repeat.

Did you see the value change again? From 0x029c77d7 to 0x04269ac3. Copy this value in the same site and see the results.

We got the number before the guard told us. Paste this number in the game.

We cracked this part.

Also, We got the flag.

Let's move to the bridge.

But as you move, you are getting hit by a snowball. We need to increase our hp. Let's increase our hp. But for this, we need to find the address of hp. Go to cetus again. Keep the value bar blank and search.

See how many search results you got.

We need to filter these results. Again, go to the bridge and intentionally, hit by some snowballs.

You can see my hp got decreased. If you use LT (Less then) now, you can see our search results also got filtered.

This is because there is a change of the state of in game now, so the search results will also decrease.

Notice the first address. If more snowball hits us, the value will decrease.

Found a way? Yes, if we change the value of this address, our hp will increase.

Let's move forward now.

We crossed this difficulty also.

Yes! We got the flag.


They are recommending you to complete Walking an Application Room.

Congratulations !! we completed this task. New task will be added tomorrow. Till then you can follow me here for upcoming blogs on the advent of cyber 2022. In the end, you will get a certificate from tryhackme for completing this challenge.

Keep learning and keep spreading Knowledge.

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