Welcome back to yet another blog with another CTF. In this article , we are going to discuss about a simple CTF CyberHeroes which is really very simple . So without wasting any more time , let's do this .
Task 1
So when I tried to visit the website , it gave me this type of interface .
Let's check the login page .
In my previous blog also , I mentioned that my first approach is to check the source code . Press CTRL+U and see if you find something fishy on the source code of login page .
See , we find the username . If you know little bit of javascript , you can easily understand that the username is h3ck3rBoi and the password is in reverse string . Now let's use our one and only Google to find the password .
So we got the code , how to reverse a string . Let's try this .
Finally , you got the password . Use this password and username on that login form and uncover the flag .
Congratulations ,You completed this room . Follow me for more such CTF .
Keep learning and keep spreading Knowledge .