Hello everybody! Welcome to yet another blog. I hope you are enjoying the advent of cyber. All the tasks are amazing this year. I hope you are learning something new every day. It's time to move to the new task of day 8. Let's do this.
Last Christmas I gave you my ETH
This task is mainly focusing on Blockchain. This is my first time reading about blockchain and smart contracts, so I won't be able to explain much about the task today.
First of all, what is blockchain? A blockchain is a digital database that allows transparent information sharing within a business network. A blockchain acts as a database to store information in a specified format and is shared among members of a network with no one entity in control.
Another term which came into this task is Smart Contracts. They are the programs Stored in blockchain which will run when the conditions are met.
Now let's move to today's task
Download the task file and open the remix. You don't need to open attack box for today's task.
The main task starts from here. Follow the steps with me.
You can see this type of interface. Click on the import icon and import the files you have downloaded from this task (unzip the file)
After importing you can see the files on your dashboard.
Now we need to compile both files. For this, click on one file, select compiler
then click on the solidity compiler icon.
click on compile attack.sol
Same way, compile another file also(EtherStore.sol).
Now get back to attack.sol file and click on the deploy and run tab.
Change the contract tab to etherstore. sol
Now click on the deploy button.
You can see a green check mark and on the bottom, etherstore's contract got deployed.
Now, let's deposit some ether.
Change the value to 10 and currency in ether and in the bottom where etherstore's contracts got deployed, Click on deposit.
You can see a checkmark again.
Now, let's do this process again but with some minor changes.
Change the account
Change the contract
Copy this value
and paste it here
Now click on Deploy.
You can see another contract got loaded. Now let's use this contract.
Click on Attack
Got the flag.
They are recommending you complete the Quotient and Agent T! Room
Congratulations !! we completed this task. New task will be added tomorrow. Till then you can follow me here for upcoming blogs on the advent of cyber 2022. In the end, you will get a certificate from tryhackme for completing this challenge.
Keep learning and keep spreading Knowledge.